What:  For the intermittent treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding associated with Leiomyomas.

Who: Post-menopausal females 18-50 (inclusive)

Inclusion (if you fall into this category you may qualify): Have experienced abnormal uterine bleeding (heavy or prolonged).

If of childbearing potential, must be practicing, from the start of the screening period through study completion, a non-hormonal method(s) of contraception.

If not of childbearing potential, must have had bilateral tubal ligation sterilization at least 6 months before the screening visit.

Exclusion (if you fall into this category you may not qualify): Has a history of uterine surgery that would interfere with the study.

Has a known coagulation disorder including bleeding disorder.

Has a history of, or current uterine, cervix ovarian, or breast cancer.

Has a Pap smear suggestive of a high-grade precancerous lesion(s).

Has an intrauterine device (IUD) as a method of birth control.

Has symptoms or signs of pelvic infection.

Has a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Has intolerance to endometrial biopsies.

Has known endometrial polyp(s) > 2cm.

Has undergone treatment with a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist within 5 months prior to the initial screening.

Has any concomitant or active disease or condition.

Has a positive pregnancy test at screening or at anytime during the course of the study, or is nursing or planning a pregnancy at any time during participation in the study.

Duration: 36 weeks